Remote control from any place in the world
Servers are modules that facilitate remote management and IP integrations. They control the whole system and bring internet connection to your smart installation. Thanks to a wired connection, they communicate with the Ampio Cloud offering you remote access to your home and to our support team. The servers give you access to the AMPIO UNI app, which enables remote control of all the smart functionalities, no matter where you are in the world.

It is the most extensive version of the Ampio system's base module. It combines a lot of different system elements and provides countless capabilities. Apart from the remote control function and IP integrations, it also makes integrations with alarms, air-conditioning and recuperators possible.

It is the newest version of the Ampio system's base module. It is smaller than M-SERV-s, but also provides the functionality of remote control via the Ampio app and IP integrations.